Call For Papers


The inaugural conference of

Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching

September 17-19, 2009


To be held in conjunction with the


Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL)  7th Annual Conference

Hosted by the programs in TESL/Applied Linguistics

Iowa State University

Ames, IA USA



Invited speakers

Wayne Dickerson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tracey Derwing, University of Alberta

The importance of pronunciation in language learning and teaching is widely recognized, yet there is far less agreement on which elements of pronunciation are most critical for promoting intelligible speech and how these elements should be addressed through instruction. There are also many questions about how instruction in pronunciation should interface with speaking and listening skills.  Finally, the rise of new technologies promises to change the future of pronunciation teaching, with developments in speech recognition and speech synthesis supplementing traditional uses of technology for self-directed learning.

This inaugural conference invites paper proposals or poster presentations on any aspect of pronunciation teaching and learning, especially those related to how pronunciation can be taught in relation to listening and speaking, and related to innovative uses of technology in teaching pronunciation. Papers will be given in English, but papers addressing the teaching and learning of pronunciation for any language are encouraged.

Please submit a 250-word abstract to Kimberly LeVelle ( by May 1, 2009 if you wish to present a paper or a poster at the conference.  Acceptances will be sent out by May 15. Please specify whether you would like your abstract to be considered as a paper or a poster. Include the name of the presenter(s), affiliation, type of presentation, and contact information (email address preferred).

For further information about the conferences, contact John M. Levis (