Call For Papers


Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching

September 10-11, 2010


Hosted by TESL/Applied Linguistics

Iowa State University

Ames, IA USA

Invited speaker


Murray Munro, Simon Fraser University

British Columbia, Canada

Pronunciation and Intelligibility:  Issues in Research and Practice

A generally accepted goal of pronunciation pedagogy is to help learners achieve a comfortably intelligible pronunciation rather than a native-like one.  But what should this goal look like in the kinds of research studies we conduct, in our classroom practice, and in the creation of self-study and computer assisted pronunciation materials?  How is intelligibility connected to comprehensibility in setting goals? What part does irritation play in judgments of intelligibility?  Are there features that do not greatly impact intelligibility yet remain essential to teach?  Which elements of pronunciation are most important in achieving a comfortably intelligible pronunciation?  How is intelligibility related to listening comprehension and to gesture?  What principles can help teachers make decisions regarding intelligibility?  How do computer-assisted pronunciation materials impact how we individualize instruction for diverse groups of learners?

This second annual conference invites proposals for papers or poster presentations on any aspect of pronunciation research, teaching and learning, especially those related to how issues related to intelligibility and comprehensibility impact the teaching of pronunciation, listening and speaking, and also presentations related to innovative uses of technology in teaching pronunciation.  Papers will be given in English, but papers addressing the teaching and learning of pronunciation for any language are encouraged.  Presenters will be invited to submit their papers for a peer-reviewed, on-line proceedings of the conference.