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Greenlee Researchers Peg TV as Top Source of Political Information for Caucus-goers

Author: Troy Rutter

TV news is a primary source for political information, but this chart shows how media preferences vary by supporters of the top-polling candidates. Graphs provided by Kelly Winfrey

AMES, Iowa – Journalists from around the world filed countless reports from Iowa in the final days leading up to the Feb. 1 caucuses. According to the latest Iowa State University/WHO-HD Iowa Caucus Poll, voters rely on a variety of these reports for political information with national television news being the primary source.

In addition to questions about candidate support, a team of Iowa State researchers—including Drs. Daniela Dimitrova, Raluca Cozma and Kelly Winfrey—asked likely caucus-goers where they get their political information. Out of 511 respondents, 61.9 percent said national TV news. Local television (49.1 percent) was the next top source, followed by cable television (45.9 percent), newspapers (42.8 percent), the Internet (41.5 percent) and radio (34.2 percent). About a quarter of those surveyed said they get information from campaign advertising.

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