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Greenlee Diversity Team to Present New Findings at ISCORE

Author: Troy Rutter

In 2003, Director Michael Bugeja chaired the first Diversity Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, writing a report titled “A Clear, Accountable Commitment to Diversity.” His team then surveyed units in the college on whether they mentioned diversity in their mission statements and strategic plans and whether they had a stand-alone diversity plan.

He wondered whether those findings increased over the years and sent a proposal to the [Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity](, scheduled March 3 at the ISU Memorial Union, featuring Greenlee’s Diversity Committee members (Raluca Cozma, Tracy Lucht, Jason Wiegand). Bugeja proposed re-surveying the college, with the help of LAS Multicultural Liaison Javier Vela-Becerra. The new comparison survey yielded these results:

Upon viewing them, Dr. Bugeja and the Greenlee Diversity Committee decided to take action and create a presentation to help each academic unit mention diversity in mission statements and strategic plans and to develop their own stand-along plans via shared governance. You can view the entire presentation by clicking here. Dr. Bugeja and the Greenlee team invite you to attend the ISCORE conference for more information.

This year’s conference is being sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Faculty and students are strongly encouraged to attend.