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Cozma Reports Latest Achievements, Teaching Updates

Author: Troy Rutter

Associate Professor Raluca Cozma reports that Iowa State University news service ran a story about a research study recently published in the Newspaper Research Journal, co-authored with former master’s student Aimee Burch. The study analyzed student media performance in covering the 2012 election in four swing states.

Cozma is serving as an external reviewer for a tenure case at a Research I institution. She also is reviewing manuscripts for American Journalism and The Newspaper Research Journal.

In her political communication graduate seminar, Greenlee students heard from Etse Sikanku, a former master’s student who has just published his first book, “The Afrocentric Obama and the Lessons on Political Campaigning.” Etse talked about the research involved in his interdisciplinary examination of how Barak Obama’s African heritage contributes to a holistic understanding of a defining political figure.