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Gang Han reports research, service updates

Author: Troy Rutter

Associate Professor Gang Han reports the following:


+ Gang’s peer-reviewed book chapter on Journalism education, “Serving Two Masters,” is included in *Global Journalism Education: Challenges and Innovations*, published by World Journalism Education Council with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, University of Texas, Austin. This book is in print and forthcoming this spring.

+ Another peer-reviewed book chapter, “Influences of Audience Feedback on News Content in Traditional and New Media: A Theoretical Evaluation,” has been included in *Media Scholarship in a Transitional Age: Research in Honor of Pamela J. Shoemaker*. This volume is in print with Peter Lang Publishing.


+ Gang has been invited to serve on several POS committees outside Greenlee: three doctoral committees in the College of Human Sciences; two masters’ in Information System at the College of Business; one in College of Design and one more in College of Human Sciences.

+ Besides reviewing submissions for Health Comm Division of ICA for its 2017 annual conference, Gang recently reviewed manuscripts for several journals, including *Computers in Human Behavior*, *Behaviour & Information Technology*, and *Journalism Bimonthly*.