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Greenlee School faculty announce AEJMC appearances

Author: Troy Rutter

A number of Greenlee School faculty and graduate students will present papers, serve on panels and moderate sessions at the [100th annual conference]( of the [Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication]( (AEJMC) August 9-12 in Chicago and its accompanying preconferences.

AEJMC is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals from around the globe. The Association’s mission is to advance education, foster scholarly research, cultivate better professional practice and promote the free flow of communication. Its annual conference features sessions on teaching, research and public service in the various components of journalism and mass communication – from advertising and public relations to electronic and online journalism to media management and newspapers.

See the complete schedule of Greenlee School appearances below.

**Katie Anthony**

The Impact of Social Networks
Friday, Aug. 11, 3:30-5 p.m.
Anthony, a Greenlee graduate student, will present her paper, “Facebook: Antidote or Poison? A Study of the Relationship Between Facebook, Depression, and Older Adults” in this scholar-to-scholar refereed paper research session, sponsored by the Communication Technology Division.

**Sherry Berghefer**

Advertising Division Top Paper Session
Friday, Aug. 11, 5:15-6:45 p.m.
Berghefer, Jay Newell and Wallapak Tavanapong (professor in computer science at Iowa State) will present their paper, “Teaching Ad Tech: Assessing Collaborative Teaching in an Advertising, Computer Science, and Design Course” in this refereed paper research session, sponsored by the Advertising Division. Their paper received the Teaching Top Paper Award.

**Jan Lauren Boyles**

PhD Student/Early Career Preconference
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 1 to 5 p.m.
Boyles is the lead organizer and moderator for this session, targeted at PhD students, that will share tips for navigating the job market and finding success on the tenure-track. The session is sponsored by the Newspaper and Online News Division and Graduate Student Interest Groups.

Refereed Research: Community and Public Engagement
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 10-11:30 a.m.
Boyles will moderate this refereed paper research session, sponsored by the Newspaper and Online News Division.

Tweet This: Two Weeks on the Social Media Frontlines
Thursday, Aug. 10, 5-6:30 p.m.
The 2016-17 class of Scripps Howard Foundation Visiting Professors in Social Media will share their practical takeaways for teaching social media. Boyles will lead the panel, sharing her experience at the Post and Courier (Charleston, S.C.) and the Greenlee School’s visit from Glenn Smith,Watchdog/Public Service editor for the Post and Courier. The session is sponsored by Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and Scripps Howard Foundation.

Executive Committee Meeting – Newspaper and Online News Division
Friday, Aug. 11, 7-8 a.m.
Boyles will lead the Newspaper and Online News Division executive meeting as incoming chair.

Refereed Paper Research Session
Friday, Aug. 11, 5:15-6:45 p.m.
Boyles will present her research paper, “(Re)Crafting Neighborhood News: The Rise of Journalism Hackathons” in a research session sponsored by the Community Journalism Interest Group.

**Michael Bugeja**

Internships and Careers Interest Group
Thursday, Aug. 10, 1:30-3 p.m.
Bugeja and Greenlee graduate student Melissa Garrett will present their paper “Making the Connection: Aggregate Internship Data as Direct and Indirect Measure Informing Curricula and Assessment” in this scholar-to-scholar refereed paper research session. The paper is recognized as the Top Paper.

Assessment: Come Get Your Questions Answered
Thursday, Aug. 10, 6:45-8:15 p.m.
Bugeja will be a panelist in this plenary teaching panel session that will focus on how schools should be using assessment results to change how they’re teaching. It’s sponsored by the AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Research.

**Daniela Dimitrova**

Social Media and Voters: Challenges and Opportunities for Political and Civic Engagement
Friday, Aug. 11, 12:15-1:30 p.m.
Dimitrova is organizing this session where a panel of experts will discuss the role of social media in politics. The research panel is co-sponsored by the Communication Technology and Communication Theory and Methodology Divisions.

So You Want to be an Editor?
Friday, Aug. 11, 3:30-5 p.m.
Dimitrova is serving as a moderator for this panel, where she will also share her experience editing a special issue of Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. The session will feature the presentation of the inaugural JMCQ Outstanding Research Article award.

**Joel Geske**

Being a Minority Faculty Member in Mass Communication in 2017: Challenges for the Professor; Opportunities for the Classroom and Our Professions
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1:30-3 p.m.
Geske will moderate this teaching panel session, which is sponsored by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Interest Group and Minorities and Communication Division.

**Amir Joshi**

Framing Cross-National Diplomatic Conflicts
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1:30-3 p.m.
Joshi, a graduate student, will present his paper, “Framing Diplomatic Conflicts: How Indian and Nepali Media Covered the Controversy Surrounding the Ratification of Nepal’s Constitution in 2015” in this scholar-to-scholar refereed paper research session, sponsored by the International Communication Division.

**Su Jung Kim**

The Interactive Consumer Experience
Friday, Aug. 11, 3:30-5 p.m.
Kim will be the discussant in this scholar-to-scholar refereed paper research session sponsored by the Communication Technology and Newspaper and Online News Division.

**Suman Lee**

Facebook and Search Engine Advertising
Thursday, Aug. 10, 5-6:30 p.m.
Lee and Greenlee graduate student Su Yeon Cho will present their paper, “Cultural Difference and Message Strategy of Global Brands: A Comparative Analysis on Facebook Fan Pages in the United States and South Korea” in this session sponsored by the Advertising Division.

**Tracy Lucht**

Women’s Experiences in Broadcasting: Unequal Workplace Conditions for Women in Television News and Sports
Friday, Aug. 11, 5:15-6:45 p.m.
Lucht will be the discussant in this PF&R panel session sponsored by the Electronic News Division and Commission on the Status of Women.

**Jay Newell**

Advertising Division Top Paper Session
Friday, Aug. 11, 5:15-6:45 p.m.
Newell, Wallapak Tavanapong (professor in computer science at Iowa State) and Sherry Berghefer will present their paper, “Teaching Ad Tech: Assessing Collaborative Teaching in an Advertising, Computer Science, and Design Course” in this refereed paper research session, sponsored by the Advertising Division. This paper received the Teaching Top Paper Award.

Preparing the Next Generation of Advertising Practitioners: What Do Students Want and Expect?
Thursday, Aug. 10, 5-6:30 p.m.
Newell will be a discussant in this scholar-to-scholar refereed paper research session sponsored by the Advertising Division.

**Angela Powers**

2016 Election: Perspectives on Coverage
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 10-11:30 a.m.
Powers will be the discussant in this referred paper research session sponsored by Electronic News Division.