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Apply for Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk (ComSHER) Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Author: Troy Rutter


The Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk (ComSHER) Undergraduate Research Fellowship was created to help support a vibrant undergraduate researcher program in the Greenlee School. The $1200 stipend associated with this fellowship will be awarded to support sophomores, juniors and seniors working with faculty members on research related to Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk (ComSHER) topics. Up to two fellowships may be awarded per fiscal year.

To be considered for this award, students must identify a faculty adviser who is willing to collaborate on a research project focused on a ComSHER topic. Students funded must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and must be enrolled as undergraduates during the fellowship period. A student can receive funding once per fiscal year: July 1 through June 30.

Students who receive the research fellowship will also be eligible to apply for a subsequent travel award to present the results of their research at a regional, national or international conference.  Only students who have received the ComSHER fellowship are eligible to apply for the travel award. The maximum travel award amount is $500 for students making presentations and $50 for students attending but not making presentations. The travel award would provide reimbursement for students attending regional, national, or international conferences to present research and scholarship related to the research award. Eligible conferences must have a ComSHER or undergraduate research focus.

Applicants for a travel award are expected to apply for additional conference funds through their departments, their colleges, the Government of the Student Body, or other appropriate sources prior to applying for funding from the Greenlee School. The awards are reimbursements made after the conference, and the reimbursement process requires RECEIPTS for hotel, meals, registration or transportation expenses. All itemized receipts must be submitted to 101 Hamilton Hall within 30 days of the conclusion of the conference.

How to Apply

To apply for this award, students must submit a brief (1-2 paragraph) research proposal, a copy of their resume, and a statement of support from a Greenlee faculty member. Email all materials to Michael Dahlstrom ( Deadline for full consideration is noon on Friday, Feb. 19, 2021.

Learn more about undergraduate research at the Greenlee School.