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Becky Stadlman honored with Alumni Medal from the ISU Alumni Association

Author: Troy Rutter

Becky Stadlman will receive the Alumni Medal from the ISU Alumni Association (ISUAA) at a ceremony on Friday, Oct. 22, in Ames. The award recognizes Iowa State University alumni for long, loyal service to the university through alumni-related activities. It is the premier award given to alumni by the ISUAA.

Stadlman graduated in 1974 with a degree in journalism and mass communication. While a student, she participated in numerous extracurriculars, including Phi Beta Kappa, the Mortar Board and the VEISHEA Central Committee. After graduation, she stayed connected to the university by getting involved with the ISU Foundation Board of Governors, being a university legislative liaison and assisting with alumni dinners while Iowa State was searching for a new president. Stadlman also led efforts to organize the first annual reunion for the Society of VEISHEA Alumni and Friends.

Stadlman has been incredibly active within the ISUAA. During her time on the ISUAA Board of Directors, she held many leadership positions, including serving on the governance, CEO evaluation and officer nominating committees. As well, Stadlman was part of the scholarship and diversity and inclusion task forces. In 2016, she and her late husband, Evan, volunteered to co-chair the Cardinal and Gold Gala. Outside of her leadership roles, Stadlman also makes time to participate in ISUAA events and is an enthusiastic adventurer of the ISUAA Traveling Cyclones program.

Stadlman’s dedication to ISUAA is also philanthropic in nature. She passionately contributes to both the Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Endowment and the Cardinal and Gold Gala, for which she established the Cardinal and Gold Stadlman Family First Generation Scholarship.

Stadlman is an ISUAA sustaining member and a member of the Order of the Knoll.

We asked Stadlman about her time at Iowa State University and why it’s crucial to stay involved.

What is your favorite memory from Iowa State?

The ISU-specific memory is VEISHEA. Being a part of that program taught me skills in leadership, organization, collaboration and learning how to work with multiple stakeholders.  I learned how to negotiate with suppliers and work with representatives of music productions, musicians, politicians and other public figures. And the best part was seeing it all come together in May every year! While the majority of my career was not in journalism, the writing, editing and analytical skills I learned have benefitted me every day!

What positive changes have you seen at Iowa State?

Iowa State is continuing to grow and change with the world. I appreciate seeing students of diverse cultures on campus and recognize what they add to the value of education. The new programs and opportunities—the Student Innovation Center, the developments in colleges working together to resolve human and animal health issues, world-renowned research—it is exciting and impressive.

What would you like to say to graduating students?

The years you have been at Iowa State University are critical times to begin to absorb what the world has to offer. Now it’s time to go out and explore and be a lifelong learner. Be open to new adventures, new travels, new ideas and learn how to connect with people who are different from you. Find unique ways you can contribute. And give back to those who helped you along the way.

Why should graduating students stay involved with Iowa State?

It is a great way to stay connected to important issues. As a public land grant university, supporting ISU offers Iowans a say in what happens in Iowa and the world, but most importantly, offers a world-class education.

Editor’s note: Answers have been edited for length and clarity.