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Student Spotlight: Hannah Noble, WGS social media intern

Author: Troy Rutter

Name: Hannah Noble

Year: senior

Hometown: Orion, Illinois

Major: public relations

Minors: history, political science

In order to graduate, Greenlee students must complete a 400-hour internship for 499A credit. There are many resources available on campus to help students secure positions, including campus career fairs, the Jump-Start Internship and Networking Fair — hosted by the Greenlee School and focused specifically on opportunities in advertising, journalism, public relations and related fields — LAS Career Services, and the CyHire job board.

Hannah Noble, a Greenlee Ambassador, found her internship in a way you may not immediately think about: through the AccessPlus Student Job Board. Learn more about her on-campus opportunity that’s satisfying her internship requirement.

What is your 499 Internship?

I am the social media intern for the Women’s and Gender Studies Program on campus. I started in August, and I will be working there through the rest of the school year. I run all of their social media accounts, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

How did you get your position?

It was on the job board listed under administrative jobs, and they had been looking for someone to write stories and do social media. I told them I was looking for an internship where I could focus on social media, and they were willing to work with me.

But the cool part was that I got to use a bunch of knowledge from a Greenlee class to get the job because I told them that I was Hootsuite certified from the social media class here (ADVRT 497). I could also understand analytics and report on how things were going. For the interview, I actually printed out examples of tweets and Instagram posts I had made and gave them to the women who were interviewing me. They told me they were blown away by that afterward. I just thought that since they asked me to bring examples of things that I would show what I would do for them!

What has been your favorite part about your position so far?

I think my favorite part was when my boss felt like I was doing a good enough job to add me to the committee for the Transforming Gender and Society conference that they will hold in April. And now I am helping the team market the event and select the student proposals that will be presented. I didn’t really expect that to happen, but she really wanted me to help out with more things than just running the Instagram account.

How will your internship shape your future career?

I think my internship will help shape my future career because I am given so much freedom to do things that it will be easy to transfer to a full-time job following graduation. I’m able to create my own projects, and I am seen as the social media expert, which is super amazing.

Interview by Grace Ekema; edited for length and clarity