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Greenlee School Hosts Two Site Team Visits in 2022-2023

Author: Troy Rutter

ACEJMC offers provisional reaccreditation; PRSA recommends full recertification

Every six years, the Greenlee School has the opportunity to measure its work against national standards. Due to the ongoing pandemic during the 2020-2021 academic year, when the school would ordinarily have been reviewed, the site teams didn’t complete their visit until Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. 

ACEJMC: The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC) found many positive areas in which the Greenlee School meets their standards, including a talented student-focused and accessible faculty, a capstone internship program, and enthusiastic and ambitious students. However, they felt the school had not grown sufficiently in the area of diversity since our last accreditation visit in 2016 and therefore granted us provisional accreditation for the next two years. 

During the next two years, the Greenlee School will build upon its strengths and broaden its efforts in the following ways: 

  • Continue with the work we’ve begun, including annual inclusive classroom training and becoming more expansive in our efforts to ensure students, faculty, and staff feel supported and welcomed at the Greenlee School. 
  • Expand innovative programming to bring far-reaching voices and ideas into our curricular and extra-curricular offerings for students.  
  • Enhance our recruiting efforts to build greater diversity among our student body and faculty, and to grow our overall enrollment.  
  • Strengthen our relationships with other units and colleges throughout the university to explore unique ways we can prepare students throughout the university for the changing world in which they live and work. 

In 2024/2025, ACEJMC will again visit Greenlee and assess the work we’ve done. 

PRSA: The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) recertification addresses specifically the public relations degree offered through the Greenlee School and is also offered on a six-year basis. The site team found the Greenlee School in full compliance with their standards, including diversity, and is recommending full recertification through their Certification in Education for Public Relations (CEPR) program.  

The Greenlee School enjoys strong alumni support and welcomes resources and input from our community members. We’re always happy to hear from you.