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Dimitrova reports graduate program news, research, service and publication

Author: Troy Rutter

Graduate Director Daniela Dimitrova reports the following:

+ Graduate students in JLMC 592 had the opportunity to meet three former master’s students this semester: **Gladys Nortey**, **Taylor Wen** and **Matt Neznanski**. Alumni shared helpful tips and advice with the new cohort.
+ Served as an external reviewer for promotion/ tenure for a faculty member at Bilkent University, Turkey and also was a book proposal reviewer on visual framing for Routledge.
+ As a member of AEJMC’s Publications Committee, will attend the mid-winter meeting to select the new journal editors for Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly and Journalism & Mass Communication Educator.
+ A book chapter with a former master’s student appeared in press:

Dimitrova, D. V. & Hu, S. (2016). The 2014 midterm elections on local television: Frames, sources, and valence. In *Communication and Midterm Elections: Media, Message, and Mobilization* (edited by John Allen Hendricks and Dan Shill).

+ Will collaborate with Dianne Bystrom, director of the Catt Center, on a research manuscript looking at the role of social media during the 2016 Iowa caucuses.
+ Finally, she is helping the graduate students organize an end-of-semester potluck, which will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome!