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Iowa State Daily earns Society of Professional Journalists regional all-around excellence award

Author: Troy Rutter

The Iowa State Daily was named Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper in Region 7 by the Society of Professional Journalists at the 2017 Mark of Excellence awards.

SPJ’s Region 7 comprises Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. The regional awards presentation took place April 14 at Iowa State University’s Memorial Union in Ames. First-place winners will compete at the national level among other regional Mark of Excellence winners from the 12 SPJ regions.

National winners will be notified in the late spring and will be recognized at the Excellence in Journalism conference in Baltimore.

MOE Awards entries are judged by professionals with at least three years of journalism experience. Winners represent the best in student journalism, and divisions are based on student enrollment.

Individual honorees include:

Feature Writing (Large) 10,000+ Students

Emily Blobuam, finalist: ‘Every day I’m terrified’: Hugo Bolanos’ story

Emily Blobaum, finalist: It’s not rare, it’s rarely diagnosed

Sports Writing (Large) 10,000+ Students

Emily Barske, finalist: It’s not just another game

Breaking News Photography (Large) 10,000+ Students

Emily Blobaum, finalist: Transgender Republican

Sports Photography (Large) 10,000+ Students

Emily Blobaum, winner: Drake relays

In addition to an awards presentation, the regional conference includes opportunities for networking and learning, with several featured speakers.

Iowa State Daily Editor-in-Chief Emily Barske, in collaboration with Greenlee Lecturer Lisa Oakes, presented a session called “Millennials in the Workforce,” which explored misconceptions millennials and employers hold and how to bridge these gaps, especially in the newsroom. Attendees learned how to hone their communication and skill set (whether employee or employer) to create more understanding and shared success.