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Audrey Ward wins Round 1 of the Greenlee Summer Intern Blogging Competition

Author: Troy Rutter

Finishing with the most votes in our online poll, Audrey Ward, junior in public relations, is the winner of Round 1 of the 2018 Greenlee Summer Intern Blogging Competition.

In her blog post, Ward shared her experience interviewing for her design and digital marketing internship at Visionary Services, Inc. Ward received a $50 Amazon e-gift card.

Five finalists were named in Round 1 of the competition: Annebeth Ahrenholz, Mathew Evans, Rachel Ori, Meg Trumper and Ward.

The 2018 Greenlee Summer Intern Blogging Competition provides a platform for Greenlee students to write about their internship experiences and share what they’ve learned with their peers. Any Greenlee major who is participating in a summer internship related to journalism, advertising or public relations is invited to participate. Finalists are selected based on content and quality of writing, and their work is published on the Greenlee student experience blog. The author of the post that receives the most votes in a online poll is declared the winner.

Round 2 is ongoing, and posts will be accepted through Aug. 4 at 11:59 p.m. The Round 2 finalists will be announced Aug. 8, and the winner will be declared Aug. 16. Round 1 finalists, excluding the Round 1 winner, are eligible to participate in Round 2.