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Dimitrova Among Finalists for Iowa Women of Innovation Award

Author: Troy Rutter

Daniela Dimitrova
Daniela Dimitrova, Professor and Director of Graduate Education

Daniela Dimitrova, director of graduate studies in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University, is among eight finalists for the Research Innovation and Leadership Award, part of the 2015 Iowa Women of Innovation series presented by the Technology Association of Iowa.

Winners will be announced Tuesday, November 10, during an event at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center in Des Moines.

The Iowa Women of Innovation Awards elevate and celebrate the state’s extraordinary women. The event is dedicated to recognizing women who are leaders in science, technology, engineering or math. Students at both the secondary and college levels will also be recognized.

Another ISU finalist in Dimitrova’s division is Kan Wang, agronomy professor.

Dimitrova has been at the forefront of scholarship on Internet and communication, including how technology has impacted politics in the United States and abroad. She also has chronicled how footnotes in online journals vanish, eroding scientific method. In 2007, she won the Early Achievement in Research Award given by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. During her academic career, she has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles in top journals. Her published works include articles in such flagship journals as Communication Research and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. She enjoys an international reputation with research appearing in Journal of Global Mass Communication, International CommunicationGazette, International Journal of Press/Politics, European Journal of Communication,and Central European Journal of Communication.

“Few other scholars in our discipline nationwide enjoy the research reputation of Dr. Dimitrova,” notes Greenlee School Director Michael Bugeja. “When we consider the impact of technology, we often forget that communication was, is and will be at the forefront of technical innovation in Iowa, the nation and world. Dr. Dimitrova is at the head with other innovators in explaining its ramifications in scientific research and global politics.”

Several other Iowa State women are finalists in other categories:

Ann Marie Vanderzanden, professor, Horticulture, Academic Innovation and Leadership
Lisa Lorenzen, director Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer, Business Innovation and Leadership
Camille Sloan Schroeder, program coordinator, College of Engineering, Diversity Champion
Jessica Graham, senior Management major, Collegian Innovation and Leadership
The Technology Association of Iowa is the premier professional organization supporting the state’s technology industry and tech-based economy. Iowa’s technology industry employs over 76,000 workers and accounts for $10.696 billion (8.8%) of the state’s value added, or GDP.