By connecting Iowa State students who are interested in similar careers, these groups focus on professional development and networking in the fields of journalism, public relations, advertising and communications. Several, including the Association for Women in Communications, the Public Relations Student Society of America and the Society of Professional Journalists are student chapters of national organizations, which you join after graduation. These clubs and organizations are open to any major.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Check out student-run media available at Iowa State.


  • Sports Media Club

    Our club provides a way for students and staff to get to know one another, to become acquainted with the program, to develop professional skills and acquaintances, and learn more about the opportunities in the sports media industry and related fields.

    X (formerly Twitter) | Instagram

  • Advertising Club

    Open to all students with an interest in advertising. Network with communications professionals and learn about careers in advertising and marketing. Ad Club takes trips each year to regional and national advertising agencies for networking and experiencing the professional world.

    Instagram | Student Org Website

  • Three female and three male students meet in a computer lab around a computer.

    Cardinal & Gold

    Cardinal & Gold is a student-run advertising agency dedicated to pushing advertising students to their next skill level. By working on projects in an agency style, students learn where they most flourish in the advertising industry. This group is dedicated to building portfolios and future advertising professionals.

    Facebook | X (formerly Twitter)
    Student Org Website

  • Kappa Tau Alpha

    The Michael Bugeja Chapter of Kappa Tau Alpha at Iowa State University is the local chapter of the national honor society of journalism and mass communication, public relations and advertising. KTA has more than 100 chapters nationwide and is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Iowa State University initiations are held annually.

    Student Org Website | National Chapter

  • Association for Women in Communications

    This professional organization champions the advancement of women across all communication disciplines. It recognizes excellence, promotes leadership and positions members at the forefront of the evolving communications era. Students in all Iowa State majors with career interests in communications are encouraged to join.

    Facebook | X (Formerly Twitter)

  • Four students smile in front of a projector screen with the PRSSA logo on it.

    Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

    The Barbara Riedesel Iverson Chapter of the PRSSA offers students an opportunity to practice public relations through various competitions and service projects. Membership is open to all ISU undergraduates. The club offer hands-on programming opportunities, career development speakers, agency tours, job shadows and professional mentoring.

    Facebook | X (Formerly Twitter) | Instagram | National Chapter
    Student Org Website

There are also over 850 other student clubs and organizations on campus that are focused on various hobbies and interests. Explore what you’re passionate about. As a member, you may also find an opportunity to put your communications skills to use as you help get the word out about a group.