2018-2019 Department of Sociology Scholarships Awarded

April 20-20, 2018, 4:30-6:00pm | Neil Harl Commons, Curtiss Hall

Congratulations to 2018-2019 scholarship recipients. Please join us in recognizing our students at the Alpha Kappa Delta Scholarship Reception.

George Henry and Maude Drew Von Tungeln Scholarship: Alfredo Hernandez

Center for Creative Justice Criminal Justice Award: Rodney Harris

George Freeman Memorial Scholarship: Sonja Lindberg

Gerald E. and D. Eileen Klonglan Scholarship: Deborah Burns & Naboth Bwambale

Sadie Gardine Lasley Memorial Scholarship: Alexis Marie Freund

Mary W. Lees Scholarship: Susan Schwickerath

Marvin B. Lind Scholarship in Rural Sociology: Sonja Lindberg & Maggie Norton

Award for Outstanding Contributions to Social Justice: Susan Schwickerath

Robert O. Richards Memorial Writing Award: Xin Long

Sociology Department Achievement Fund: Jacob Erickson

Eric O. Hoiberg Scholarship in Agriculture and Society: Morgan White

Donald and Janet Payer Award in Criminal Justice: Sara Neavor

Mary W. Lees Scholarship: Susan Schwickerath

Alpha Kappa Delta Academic Advancement Scholarship: Alexia Angton