Category: Greenlee Glimpse 2014

Rick Montgomery ‘82

As you enter the Kansas City Star’s newsroom, take a right past the Octagon of Knowledge, (employees call it the “Ook,”) and through a maze of cubicles to find Rick Montgomery among 3-foot piles of notes and letters. Montgomery, a Star feature writer, is a traditional journalist. There are a couple coffee-stained reporter’s notebooks all … Continue reading Rick Montgomery ‘82

Carol Corning Hallquist ‘78

“What would it take to feed every hungry child in Kansas City?” That’s the question Carol Hallquist and her team posed to Harvesters, a charitable organization that had requested funding from Hallmark Corporation for their then-small program. Harvesters’ program filled the backpacks of low-income children with food before they headed home from school for the … Continue reading Carol Corning Hallquist ‘78