Category: Greenlee Glimpse 2015

So Long, Professor Abbott

Eric Abbott caught the journalism bug at age 5, when he licked envelope stamps and worked with a dog columnist at a newspaper in Osceola, Iowa, where his father was an editor. Fast forward 60-plus years, and Abbott boasts a plumb-full resume, chock-full of 41 years teaching experience, research trips to dozens of countries, numerous … Continue reading So Long, Professor Abbott

Covering the Caucuses

Watching the nationally-broadcast second Democratic debate on Nov. 14 from the Sheslow Auditorium at Drake University, viewers couldn’t have guessed that the debate’s panelists had only seen full copies of their script just one hour before the cameras started rolling. The day before the debate, 130 people lost their lives and hundreds more were wounded … Continue reading Covering the Caucuses

Graduate Students Explore Digital Divide

Western perspectives and Ghanian viewpoints on the impact of the global digital divide spurred conversations during an international online collaboration between Greenlee graduate students in Professor Daniela Dimitrova’s Communication Technology and Social Change course and students at the University of Ghana in Accra. Dimitrova organized the event with her former student Etse Sikanku, a 2008 … Continue reading Graduate Students Explore Digital Divide

New Course Prepares Students for Careers in Sports Communication

Who wouldn’t love courtside tickets for their favorite college basketball team? Beth Haag’s passion for sports has led not only to a career reporting those sports, but also swell seats for Cyclone basketball. And recently, Haag, a lecturer since 2005, shared her passion for all things athletics via a new undergraduate course she created for … Continue reading New Course Prepares Students for Careers in Sports Communication