Category: Greenlee Glimpse

Director’s Letter: Re-Accreditation in Sight

Last year we let you know that the Greenlee School—among the longest, continuously-accredited journalism and mass communication programs in the country—was preparing for re-accreditation. Re-accreditation gives us national status. About 450 colleges and universities offer formal programs in journalism and mass communications and about 1,000 institutions offer some training in these fields. But only 115 … Continue reading Director’s Letter: Re-Accreditation in Sight

The Meredith Experience

Rachel (Weber) Haugo, ‘07, keeps a binder of her work as an editorial apprentice at “Kitchen + Bath Makeovers” in her former supervisor’s cubicle at Meredith Corporation’s headquarters in Des Moines. Seven years and four other positions later at Meredith, Haugo is now editor of “Kitchen + Bath Makeovers,” a position her former supervisor Marie … Continue reading The Meredith Experience

Setting an Enrollment Record

The Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication has seen enrollment numbers skyrocket the past three years. According to Greenlee School Director Michael Bugeja, undergraduate enrollment has increased from 550 to about 800 in only three academic years. In fall 2014, Greenlee had 840 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. Bugeja believes this increase is caused mostly … Continue reading Setting an Enrollment Record

Register Publisher Shares Optimism for Print Editions

Rick Green, president and publisher of The Des Moines Register, gave the eighth annual Chamberlin Lecture on Sept. 16, titled, “Yes, Iowa, there is a Future for Newspapers.” Green’s lecture focused on his optimism for the future of the print industry. Green shared his belief that, although the media world is constantly evolving, there will … Continue reading Register Publisher Shares Optimism for Print Editions