Category: Schwartz Award Winners

1983: Frank Byrnes

Frank Byrnes (1938) worked for more than 60 years in the field of agricultural communication. He served as associate director for the National Project in Agricultural Communications (NPAC), before becoming a field staff member for the Rockefeller Foundation, where he directed communication, training and management efforts at international agricultural centers for 20 years.

1982: Don Muhm

Don Muhm (1952) was a reporter for the Marshalltown Times-Republican and farm editor of the Omaha World-Herald before becoming the Des Moines Register’s farm editor in 1960, a position he held for 33 years.

1981: Lauren Soth

Lauren Soth (1932) wrote for the Des Moines Register for 28 years, 21 of them as editorial page editor. In 1955, Soth won a Pulitzer Prize for an editorial inviting Soviet premier Nikita Khruschev to visit Iowa.

1980: Robert L. Bartley

Robert L. Bartley (1959) led The Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages for more than 30 years. Bartley joined the Journal in 1962 and was a staff reporter in Chicago and Philadelphia before joining the editorial page staff in 1964

1979: Don Jackson

Don Jackson (1942) served as editor of the University of Illinois Press for 20 years. He authored ten books on American history, and was an expert in trans-Mississippi history.

1977: Hugh Sidey

Hugh Sidey (1950) covered the White House for Time magazine for almost half a century. A fourth-generation journalist, Sidey covered American Presidents Eisenhower through Clinton.