Jerry Hoehle


Jerry Hoehle has worked in marketing and advertising sales for over 20 years. Currently, Jerry is the Digital Sales Manager for Hearst-owned KCCI TV, and has had a front row seat to the broadcast industry's digital transformation. Always digitally minded, he was selling "virtual" remote broadcasts in the late 90's as a radio rep and was the Iowa State Director of, a Host Communications start-up at the break of the 21st century. Jerry has successfully managed digital sales in the television space since 2002. Jerry resides in Waukee with his Fiancée, their four children, and a fledging zoo of family pets. Since graduating from Drake University Jerry has been proud to call the Des Moines area home. Today, his sales team arms their clients with everything Hearst can bring to bear. Offering a full funnel suite of Hearst-owned digital marketing solutions, KCCI leverages a mountain of first party data and premium inventory to accomplish their clients' goals from awareness to purchase. Looking for the next change to capitalize on, Jerry sees each day with fresh eyes and new possibilities.