Associate Professor [Jay Newell](/greenlee-v2/directory/jay-newell/) reports that The Des Moines Register wrapped up coverage of the Iowa Caucus with an article on the record-breaking $46 million TV advertising buy. Data for the article, one of an investigative series, were compiled by Greenlee students under Newell’s direction.
There were over 90,000 ads run in the eight Iowa media markets, starting in April 2015 and ending only on Caucus night. Newell writes: “I’m currently cross-tabbing the adspend data with Mack Shelley’s Iowa Caucus surveys to look at the effects of advertising saturation on political attitudes.”
Greenlee grad Kat Mogongwa spoke to the Ad Principles class from his office at Flynn-Wright Advertising, overlooking the Des Moines Sculpture Garden. Kat continued his inspirational connections with ISU later that week by appearing on Jason Wiegand’s iScore panel on how the Greenlee Ambassador program enhances diversity.
Two students, ad major Tim Stokes and marketing major Alex Montelongo, are semi-finalists for the Washington Media Scholars case competition. Their team was one of 30 chosen from several hundred entries. The next round will have them write a multi-million dollar media plan to promote a fictional ballot initiative to allow 16-year olds to vote.
At the just-completed American Academy of Advertising conference in Seattle, Newell presented on the multi-lingual approach that he uses in classes on a panel, Globalizing Advertising Education, and moderated a session on research in advertising ethics.