Cozma Reports International Collaboration in Class; Reviewing Papers and Manuscripts for AEJMC

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Raluca Cozma
Raluca Cozma, Associate Professor

Associate Professor Raluca Cozma reports the following:


  • Students in my world communication systems class engaged in an online international collaboration with students from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, this month. They talked for two days about the impact of social media on public affairs, about journalism standards in the two countries, and about the global effects of internet diffusion on culture, stereotypes, privacy, diversity of ideas, and personal life/brand.


  • Starting at the Minneapolis conference in August, I will join the AEJMC Teaching Committee as a voting member.


  • She’s reviewing 9 papers for the Political Communication and the Newspaper and Online News Divisions of AEJMC.

  • She is also reviewing manuscripts for Digital Journalism, New Media and Society, and the Newspaper Research Journal.