Bugeja Joins Accrediting Council, Publishes Article, Continues Writing Book

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Michael Bugeja
Michael Bugeja, Professor and Director

Professor Michael Bugeja participated in his first Accrediting Council meeting as a member of that body that helps decide accreditation and policies associated with accreditation. He was elected to the Council in May, representing the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Next month he will participate as an accreditor in a site visit to the Missouri School of Journalism.

Last month Bugeja was invited to the Koch Foundation in Washington to discuss journalism education and First Amendment issues. Colleagues from the University of Georgia and Syracuse University also were in attendance.

During the summer he published an article, “Take Charge of Curricular Glut,” that received wide national play in Inside Higher Ed. He also was a guest in Iowa Public Radio’s “River to River” show speaking about journalism values.

He is in the process of finishing the final two chapters of the first draft of his third book for Oxford Univ. Press, titled Interpersonal Divide in the Age of the Machine. The work investigates artificial intelligence along with other emerging technologies and their impact on interpersonal relationships and community.

He blogs for the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication and also has been active as a P&T external reviewer for Research I institutions.