Bugeja Reports Article Publications, Participates in Re-Accreditation Site Visit

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Michael Bugeja
Michael Bugeja, Professor and Director

Professor Michael Bugeja participated in a site visit to the Missouri School of Journalism, undergoing re-accreditation by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. He also will be on a Provost panel concerning awards for faculty and staff, scheduled for Oct. 26 from 3-4 p.m. in the Pioneer Room. His article, “The Fuss,” concerning the media’s reporting of microaggressions and trigger warnings, will be published next week in Inside Higher Ed. Another article, “A Question of Degree,” will appear in December in The Department Chair journal and advises administrators to be honest with prospective students about the difference between majors and degrees. “For instance,” he says, “if you major in Advertising or Public Relations in the Greenlee School, you not only will have those disciplines cited on your transcript as your major but also on your diploma.” He is nearing the completion of his first draft of a new book for Oxford University Press: Interpersonal Divide in the Age of the Machine. “I have one more chapter and then the index and bibliography,” he says. “Then it goes to my editor, and there’s always more work to be done!” Bugeja also reports regularly for Coin World and Coin Update News. He also blogs for the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication.