Professor Michael Bugeja finished a final draft of his third book—"Interpersonal Divide in the Age of the Machine" (about analytics and artificial intelligence) for Oxford University Press. He even did an index and selected bibliography. Now the next stage is working with an editor and revising as needed in the editorial process. He has been invited to be a panelist in a university-wide Department Chair Workshop scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 8, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union. Jonathan Wickert, Senior Vice President and Provost, will be leading the panel discussion entitled “Free Speech, Hate Speech, or Safe Speech? What the First Amendment Really Protects on a University Campus.” Provost Wickert and Bugeja will be joined by a panel of experts including Mark Kende, Director of the Constitutional Law Center, Drake University; Mike Norton, ISU University Counsel; and Margo Foreman, Director of Equal Opportunity.
Bugeja completes final draft of third book
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