Lucht reports recent publication, guest speaker

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Tracy Lucht, Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor Tracy Lucht notes that she has been reflecting on the hybrid version of JLMC 461, History of American Journalism, that she developed and taught for the first time during the fall semester. “I included some of the lessons I learned in an article, titled ‘Teach J-History Online to Improve Information Literacy,’ for the Winter 2016 issue of Clio, the newsletter of AEJMC’s History Division. As many already know, one of her lectures in that course—“Sob Sisters and Stunt Reporters: Women Journalists at the Turn of the 20th Century”—aired on C-SPAN3 in January. The lecture is available for viewing here.

Lucht also was excited to welcome former graduate student Chunyu Zhang, now a Ph.D. student at Ohio University, to JLMC 504 seminar on Jan. 26. Chunyu’s master’s thesis was published as an article in Women’s Studies in Communication last year. She will speak to students about that project and the role of theory in qualitative research.