Bugeja reports recent publications, guest lectures

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Professor Michael Bugeja

Professor Michael Bugeja was a panelist in a university-wide Department Chair Workshop titled “Free Speech, Hate Speech, or Safe Speech? What the First Amendment Really Protects on a University Campus.” His proposal for the iScore conference in March was accepted, concerning how to deal with trigger warnings and microaggressions, based on his recent article in Inside Higher Ed. Bugeja will give a short speech at the Iowa Newspaper Association convention on Feb. 3, noting the correlation between placement and student debt. He has been invited to be an external reviewer for the Univ. of Arkansas Journalism Master’s Program. He also was invited to present data on assessment and internships at the 2017 AEJMC convention. He received word that an article titled “A Fair, Equitable Shared Employee Award System” will appear in Inside Higher Ed. His article, “A Question of Degree,” appeared in The Department Chair. He writes a monthly blog for the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication. He also writes for trade publications in numismatics.