Cozma reports paper acceptances, publications

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Raluca Cozma, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate Director Raluca Cozma reports the following:

  • ICA 2017 paper acceptance: “Social media as information subsidy in the news coverage of the Syrian crisis: A cross-national analysis” co-authored with Claudia Kozman.

  • A chapter on public interest in foreign policy leading up to the Iowa caucuses has been accepted for an edited book titled “The Presidency and Social Media: Discourse, Disruption, and Digital Democracy in the 2016 Presidential Election” (under contract with Routledge).

  • Reviewed conference paper submissions for ICA and the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium.

  • Invited as member of the AEJMC Standing Committee on Teaching to lead a “Doctors Are In” session on student interaction in online teaching at the AEJMC convention in August.