Editor of Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly names Gang Han a top reviewer

Associate Professor Gang Han

Scholars often complain about the slow turn-around times in the journal peer-review process, as this recent article in Nature addressed, but journalism and communication journals often are timelier, especially when reviewers like the Greenlee School’s Gang Han analyze manuscripts.

In recognition for his service to the flagship journal in our discipline, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Editor Louisa Ha, Bowling Green State professor, sent the School a letter stating:

“I am writing to commend the service of Dr. Gang Han of your school who … accepted all our review invitations and reviewed two manuscripts for our journal. All of them were on time and comprehensive, offering prompt and useful guidance for our authors.”

Dr. Ha noted that the journal rates reviewers based on these two criteria, “and Dr. Gang Han came up with perfect scores. Among the 470 ad hoc reviewers of JMCQ, Dr. Gang Han stood out as one of the top reviewers this year.”

Michael Bugeja, Greenlee director, praises conscientious editors like Dr. Ha who establish long-term relationships with scholars. “Gang Han not only reviews for JMCQ but has published in the journal, making him an ideal person for this vital service work.”

Bugeja noted that the Greenlee School remains at the forefront of accredited programs in its dedication to article reviewing. Here is a list of journals that include faculty members as reviewers or on publication boards:

Communication Research, Environmental Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Communication, Science Communication, Human Communication Research, Risk Analysis, Media Psychology, Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, The International Journal of Press/Politics, Electronic News, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, New Media & Society, Newspaper Research Journal, Journal of Global Mass Communication, Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Communication Theory, Mass Communication & Society, Feminist Media Studies, Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, Political Behavior, and The Information Society.