Good news for Kathy Box, but bittersweet for us!

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Kathy Box, Administrative Specialist

Budget officer, officer manager, administrative specialist and, above all, dedicated employee of Iowa State University and steward of the Greenlee School, Kathy Box will retire at the end of this month. Kathy has played an unseen but substantial role in the success of our program. She understood the complexities of a school with four degree programs and three disciplines supported by dozens of university, college and Foundation accounts. And she worked closely with the Greenlee administration to ensure that all classes were covered, all Human Resources policies followed and all scholarships and alumni gifts deposited promptly, all building codes and maintenance procedures monitored, among other fiscal duties. Her most important role in the evolution of the School since 2003 was unifying the staff under an effective organizational chart.

“Kathy Box had an incredible but often unsung influence in our rise as a top-tier program,” said Michael Bugeja, director. “She has helped me and others in the main office become more efficient and effective. We will miss her, but always remember her many contributions.”

Bugeja encouraged friends and colleagues to send her a congratulatory note at and, if they are able, to attend her retirement celebration, Friday, March 31, from 8-10 a.m. in the 172 Hamilton Hall.