Assistant Professor [Dara Wald](/greenlee-v2/) reports that a collaborative article exploring the challenges of network capture, shifting stakeholder boundaries and competing knowledge claims in natural resource conservation will be published as part of a special issue in Frontiers in Ecology and Environment.
Another manuscript comparing risk perceptions and tolerance for non-native animals in Florida and Hawaii will also be published in Conservation Biology. Wald began research on empathy arousing messages with an undergraduate student in the honors mentor program. She also reviewed a manuscript for Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.
Wald reports that this is the final call for submissions to the 5th Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication: Confronting the challenges of public participation in environmental, planning and health decision-making. The submission deadline is Jan. 29, 2016.
The symposium will feature a variety of fields that have taken up the call to develop new forms of interaction between experts and decision-makers, on one hand, and community residents, patients, landowners, industry representatives and other affected publics on the other. For further information, see or contact Wald (