Abbott and Mocumbe Publish Ag Communication Research

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Eric Abbott
Eric Abbott, Professor

Professor Emeritus Eric Abbott shared publication information concerning research done with graduate student Sostino Mocumbe, the lead author on the first and third citations below. Abbott and Mocumbe are displaying his Zambia conference poster in the Greenlee School basement right outside the Grad Hub.

  • Mocumbe, Sostino; Abbott, Eric; Mazur, Robert. (April 4-8, 2016). Use of animated videos through mobile phones to enhance agricultural knowledge and adoption among bean farmers in Gurúè, Mozambique. Research presentation, 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Portland, Oregon.
  • Abbott, Eric A. and Jain, Nandita. (March 14-18, 2016). Staying the course: A 10-year study of impacts of development and implementation of a GPS-based simplified land registration system on farmers in Tajikistan. Proceedings: Scaling Up Responsible Land Governance, Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington D.C.
  • Mocumbe, Sostino; Abbott, Eric; Mazur, Robert; Bello-Bravo, Julia, Pittendrigh, Barry. (Feb. 27 –March 4, 2016). Animated videos on smartphones for training farmers to improve bean storage: A field experiment in Gurúè, Mozambique. Research poster presented to Pan-African Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference, Livingstone, Zambia, Africa.
  • Bwanbale, Naboth; Mazur, Robert; Abbott, Eric (Feb. 27 – March 4, 2016). Adoption of integrated soil fertility management in Central Uganda: Influence of perceived practice characteristics and socioeconomic factors. Research poster presented to Pan-African Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference, Livingstone, Zambia, Africa.