Dimitrova Reports Research, Service, Teaching Updates

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Daniela Dimitrova
Daniela Dimitrova, Professor and Director of Graduate Education

Director of Graduate Studies Daniela Dimitrova reports the following:


  • She is working on updating her online course Communication Technologies and Social Change (JL MC/TSC 574), which is slated for the Summer II session.


  • She just published a book chapter along with graduate student Sisi Hu. It is titled “The 2014 midterm elections on local television: Frames, sources, and valence” and appeared in The Midterm Election (edited by John Allen Hendricks and Dan Shill, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • She also presented her research findings (along with colleague Emel Ozdora) on the media coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis in Bulgaria and Turkey to the International and Intercultural Communication division, National Communication Association (NCA), Las Vegas in the fall.
  • Finally, she received an LAS Small Grant from Iowa State University to examine the effects of social media use and the Iowa caucuses.

Professional Service:

  • She served as an external tenure reviewer for faculty promotion at United Arab Emirates University.
  • She was interviewed by Bulgarian International Television (BiT) as a political communication expert on their evening newscast. Her caucus interview also aired on the BiT talk show in Bulgaria.
  • In terms of article reviewing, she served as a journal reviewer for: The Communication Review, Political Communication and Mass Communication & Society.


  • Along with the graduate secretary and the graduate steering committee, she is working through the new online admission process and finalizing fall admissions. “Thanks to all faculty who helped review applications!” she writes. The grad program is continuing recruitment efforts at local Iowa colleges as well as promoting the program in upper-level Greenlee classes.