Category: Greenlee Glimpse 2015

Karol DeWulf Nickell ’79

“I’m very proud that I’m an Iowa Stater,”said Greenlee alumna Karol DeWulf Nickell. A Cyclone twice over, Nickell, 58, graduated from Iowa State with degrees in magazine journalism and interior design in 1979 and again in 2008 with her MBA. She’s passionate about the Greenlee School, and loves being “connected to it, and I talk … Continue reading Karol DeWulf Nickell ’79

Joe Crimmings ’06

When Joe Crimmings started at Iowa State, he didn’t have aspirations to be a photographer. In fact, he didn’t even own a professional camera. After receiving his first DSLR camera for Christmas freshman year, Crimmings was hooked. Crimmings picked up some photo classes while pursuing a graphic design degree. He eventually exhausted his photography options … Continue reading Joe Crimmings ’06

Dan McClanahan ’08

It wasn’t until a couple years into the journalism program at Iowa State’s Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication that Dan McClanahan realized he loved photography. After taking some classes with the Pulitzer Prize-winning professor, Dennis Chamberlin, McClanahan developed a passion for photography. In one of Chamberlin’s photography classes, the class was assigned a portrait … Continue reading Dan McClanahan ’08

Tara Deering-Hansen ’99

Falling in love with journalism was not what Tara Deering-Hansen had in mind when she started college. In fact, her first semester at Iowa State was spent as an agricultural engineering student. Deering-Hansen says she was weeded out after the first semester. Switching gears, she began her journey toward a career in journalism with an … Continue reading Tara Deering-Hansen ’99